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We Know Velocity. We Can Help.

       Velocity Investments, LLC, is a debt-buyer. Debt-buyers claim they own your defaulted credit card debt, but "claiming" and "proving" are two different things. That's where you have an advantage, one which we can exploit on your behalf. More on this later.  For the moment, take a deep breath and relax a bit, there's less to worry about than you thought.               

      We have been defending consumers against Velocity since 2007.  If you've been sued by Velocity over a credit card debt or an online loan, you can rely on our knowledge and experience to resolve your case favorably.

       If you'd like a FREE consultation to review your options, you can call us toll-free, or submit your information in the form to the right and we will respond promptly.  Our discussion will be absolutely confidential and you will be under no obligation.  Call us toll-free at:

(877) 320-2380

         Velocity Investments, LLC is a large, nation-wide Debt Buyer that purchases defaulted credit card debt to collect for its own account.

         Velocity takes plenty of money from people who don't know their rights. We, however, know the central legal flaw in each of their cases and we will apply that knowledge to your advantage. As a result, we've been able to get highly favorable outcomes for our clients, either through litigation or via quick settlement, depending on our clients' needs. We have also gotten Velocity cases dismissed so our client pays nothing.     

          Velocity's Legal Weakness:  As suggested above, the legal weakness in every Velocity lawsuit is proving the Chain of Title - that is: Velocity must prove it owns the right to collect from you, money you never borrowed from them. It's not enough that Velocity prove you once owed money to an Original Creditor ("OC").  Velocity must also prove that it now owns your account and is entitled to payment.  It's not so easy for them. Proving they own your debt, requires testimony at trial by a witness from the OC that their bill of sale to Velocity is an authentic OC business record. Here's why you prevail: Sending a witness to trial is expensive. Given the millions of defaulted credit card accounts and loans, the lending Banks simply cannot afford to send witnesses to debt-buyer trials in which the OCs have no financial interest whatsoever?  

         Velocity's attorneys are well aware of this weakness. This gives you significant negotiating leverage. It's why Debt Buyers like Velocity are more flexible in settlement negotiations as trial approaches. To avoid the  risk of loss at trial, Velocity will typically either dismiss the case or settle "cheap".

        By the way, playing for this financial advantage as trial approaches, is not the best strategy for everyone, and may not be the best for you. For example, cases can take a year to get to trial. You may not want to wait that long. You may prefer a quick settlement. You'll pay a bit more this way, but if you are buying a year's peace of mind, it may be worth it.

        If you'd like to discuss what's best for you against Velocity, call us at  (877) 320-2380

          The consultation is FREE and you are under no obligation.

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The Rose Consumer Law Firm is the one of the finest law firms that I have ever encountered. Attorney William Rose is extremely knowledgeable, he is responsive to urgent matters, and he goes above and beyond to help people resolve their problems successfully.

                           - James M., Orange 

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